One of my favorite digital scrapbook stores is Scrapbookgraphics Studio Girls, and one of my very favorite designers is Tangie Baxter. She just came out with the most fantastic, bizarre, wonderful, shades of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" kit called Steampunk Bandwagon. You can buy individual parts of the kit, but what the heck, just get the entire Mega Bundle. It's a huge savings if you buy the bundle, anyway.
I was so excited that immediately after downloading the kit, I plopped right down in front of my laptop and designed the following layout. This one took me about 5 hours to choose elements, reduce, enlarge, crop, enhance and shade. I'm actually using this for my live, local card swap group for this month's theme of things that fly. It's a stamp club, but hopefully they won't shoot me for sharing a digital creation.
This was so much fun! You can click on the picture to see a much larger version. Notice that Mona Lisa is holding a souvenier sized Statue of Liberty, minus the shades and bling I adorned her with in the larger version.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do!
Cathy Y